Caitlin, Rediet and Carly

Caitlin, Rediet and Carly

Friday, July 11, 2008


Lord, I'm so thankful. I'm so excited to share that we're closer to getting the shirts done! The girls and I applied for our passports, most of our paperwork is done (waiting on FBI prints). All I can think about is our child(ren) coming home! On our trip to Iowa, Cary and I had some wonderful time together (while the girls were at camp) talking about the Lord's Sovereignty and goodness. It has been a theme every since. A dear friend gave me a cd from John Piper on God's Sovereignty, my morning time; the Lord continues' to show me in the bible where God's goodness and Sovereignty is the theme throughout, pretty much anywhere I'm reading. As I continue to seek this truth, my heart is full of joy and peace. This morning I was reading Philippians 1. I truly think Paul is the man! His continued peace, even in the midst of imprisonment, yet spiritually he was free. In verse, 21 he says, " For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain". Wow I have been thinking about that verse through out the day. Paul had absolute Joy, nothing rocked his world, his eyes were on the kingdom alone therefore his joy was deep abiding, everlasting. His entire focus and desire was for the Lord, yet even if his life were to be taken(which eventually was) he looked at it as gain, life forever with Jesus! Talking about an attitude of gratitude. My desire is to thirst for the Lord to pursue him deeply and that my actions would be out of a response, pure and sincere! I truly believe gratitude, as I meditate on it daily, being thankful for the grace of God in my life in all things, that I wouldn't be able to hold back,to give back, to serve back, love back, to anyone! Lord, that in all and every circumstance that i would be in deep gratitude, in good times that i would never take for granted all and everything and that in hard trials I would look upon them as if a privelage and an opportunity to grow and glorify you! Praying for my children today, thankful for the grace that you continue to bestow upon us all. Can't wait to bring our new addition(s) home, to teach them about you, that they may know you in all your limitless love with no boundaries!!