Caitlin, Rediet and Carly

Caitlin, Rediet and Carly

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Meeting Faith


Thank you for today. I had the privilege of watching a group of orphans from Uganda dance at our local Macy's. They call themselves, "The Spirit of Uganda", a group that travels the country dancing and then returning to their country to finish school. Lord, I did not know you would touch my heart today the way you have. The moment these children (ages 8-19) began dancing, and the boys began playing the drums I could barely hold it together. So many emotions, wondering what their life is like at home, what parent, if not both, killed to AIDS. I couldn't possibly know what they've experienced, yet there they were, dancing ,singing, smiling; an unexplainable joy.

But as tears came down my face, I tried to look in as many eyes as I could and say thank you with just a smile. Thank you for blessing me today. God's grace staring me in the face, such irony in the midst of wallet size purses the price of a steak dinner for two at a five star restaurant. I got to meet many of these sweet children afterwards and had them sign a book about orphans that I purchased. At first I asked myself, why would I have them sign this? am i wanting to glorify what they have been through? NO!! I want to remember!! Lord thank you for giving me that gift today, to remind me of the joy of knowing you, no matter what life brings my way( a perspective that is nothing in comparison to the orphans of Africa). Yep I hurt, I have pain, but the reality is, I have been given a life of luxury, I'm fed, I'm clothed, I live in a middle class home with a pool. Who's got it down more? who really gets joy? the most purest form, to have nothing yet to be joyful, to be able to smile.. My emotions are raw as I think about them, yet hopeful that they will know the Lord, if not already and be able to continue to be a voice for Africa.

As they had a intermission, a young 16 year old approached me and said hello and proceeded to hug me, her name was Faith. "Hello Faith" I said, What a sweet picture, as if God himself handed her to me to meet. A reminder of why Cary and I are pursuing a precious child across the world, our Faith. I left and picked up my girls from their private school, chuckled as we drove home, listening to them complain about being hot, thirsty, wanting a play date, wanting to swim in our pool. As I sent one to her room when we got home and the other to get her bathing suit, I got to reflect on today. As I watched my sweet young child swim, pretending to be mermaid, not a care in the world, glowing with a sense of security even though she doesn't even know it or can speak of it. I get it, I see it, she is deeply loved, her needs are met, even though she complains often. The true gift that my girls have received is the gift of knowing Jesus Christ, staring at Carly and reflecting on sweet Caitlin in time out, since day one, all they have heard come from our lips is about the Lord. Some day I know that they will understand that privilege and they will respond. I thank you Lord for the opportunity you have given us! The privilege of allowing us to parent another child, to love them, to care for them, to teach them your ways! I see your love for your children and it is intoxicating, I grasp your love for me, adopting me! Thank you for using me! I pray that our girls would understand your Grace more and more and that they would be grateful for what they have instead of complaining about that which they don't have..oh wait, i pray that for me too!

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